Orange Tarragon Chicken

This dish is another one that I have been making for a while now.  I'm pretty sure I went through a phase in high school when I cooked this like twice a week (sometimes for me, sometimes for my friends).  It is fairly straight forward and doesn't really have too many stead fast rules to it.  Of course you could add veggies to this dish, I was just too lazy this night.  

2 Chicken Breasts (or other chicken bits if you prefer them)
Season Salt (or regular salt)
Pepper (or lemon pepper)
1/2 Cup Rice (I usually use Jasmine) 
1 Cup Water or Chicken Stock
Orange Juice

Start by seasoning the chicken with salt, pepper, and tarragon on both sides.
Then you can turn on your rice.  Rice is really easy, so that's probably why I despise instant rice so much. To make rice, combine liquid and rice in a 2:1 ratio.  That is for every one cup of rice, add 2 cups of liquid.   
Turn rice on high heat and wait for it to boil.  As soon as it comes to a boil, turn the heat to low and cover.
Cook for 15 minutes and presto! you have rice.  It's just that easy.  You don't have to do anything but cover it and let it cook.  And the best part, your chicken takes the exact same amount of time! Who knew things could be so easy!
Anyways, now that, that tangent is over, we can get back to making the chicken.
Heat some oil in a frying pan
When hot put chicken in the pan and allow to brown on each side (maybe 3-4 minutes per side)

After your chicken looks like the ones above start to slowly add your orange juice.  To be completely honest I have no clue how much I add.  Usually just enough to cover the bottom of the pan and keep the chicken from burning.  This is an ongoing process as the chicken continues to cook (about another 15 minutes).
As the orange juice starts to thicken up I add a little bit more to the pan.  There is a lot of sugar in orange juice, so make sure your burner isn't on high. You will be cooking the chicken on medium, flipping every 5 or so minutes and adding orange juice whenever you think your sauce is too thick.
The beauty of this is you can never really add too much juice, because you can always cook the excess liquid off at the end to make a nice glaze like you see in the picture.

Cost Per Plate: $5 (not including the Growers...)

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