Pantry Essentials

I thought I might start listing three things I can't live without in the kitchen (as far as food goes that is).
    First off, BUTTER.  Without it, who knows if I would ever be able to cook again!  It just makes everything better, from cookies to sautéed mushrooms, the saying really is true that everything is better with butter.
Next, LEMONS.  They seem to freshen up even the dullest foods.  That canned soup that tastes sort of bland, lemons, frozen fish (because let's face it I live in the prairies, so fresh seafood is pretty tough to come by, especially on a budget), lemons, water tastes a bit funny? Lemons.  They're just the best. 

Last, fresh cracked PEPPER.  I just can't live without it and the pre cracked powder they sell at stores is just plain tasteless.

I'm fairly certain without these three things my cooking would lack pizzazz, and no one wants that. I also developed a certain addiction to cooking with wine growing up in my parents house.  However, now that I'm out on my own I can't really afford to use a splash of wine for cooking when it goes bad within a few days. Yes, I realize students do enjoy drinking wine, BUT it's expensive to keep on hand all the time and if you're like me, a whole bottle of wine would do me in for the night.  I have found a solution to my addiction though, cooking wine.  It's kinda like having those fake cigarettes, almost like the real thing but not quite.  Although cooking wine isn't as flavorful (not to mention that you can't drink it), it does have a way longer shelf life so you can use just a bit and keep it for next time. Additionally, it is highly unlikely that a roommate stumbles upon it and decides to drink it… the same cannot be said for a real bottle of wine.

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